Counselling Focus Area

PMDD & Menstrual Health

Why PMDD & menstrual health counselling?

With PMDD affecting 5-10% of individuals of reproductive age, and countless others experiencing menstrual-related difficulties, our services cater to a vital and widespread need. We're here to support you through every cycle of your journey.

We believe in breaking the silence and stigma surrounding menstrual health. Our counselling services aim to offer a safe, welcoming space where your stories and experiences are heard, validated, and cared for.

Check out our online PMDD groups

We provide monthly online groups to help provide support, share information and educate on the issue of PMDD. We have a group for people with a lived experience of PMDD and also a separate group for partners of people living with PMDD.

To learn more, please click below:

PMDD & Menstrual Health Counselling

One-size-does-not-it all

Your experience and challenges are unique. That’s why our counseling goes beyond the one-size-fits-all approach, offering personalized strategies designed to manage mood swings, alleviate physical discomfort, and improve your quality of life.


Education is power. Our counseling sessions are not only about offering support but also about empowering you with knowledge about your condition, coping mechanisms, and treatment options, enabling you to take charge of your menstrual health with confidence.

Embracing Every Individual: Our Gender-Affirming Approach to Menstrual Health

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we recognise the diverse spectrum of gender identities and understand that menstrual health is a topic that transcends traditional gender boundaries.

Our gender-affirming approach to menstrual health care is designed to welcome and support everyone affected by menstrual issues, regardless of gender identity.

Here's how we work to provide services that are inclusive, respectful, and empowering for all:

Inclusive Care for Everyone

  • Recognising Diversity: We acknowledge that individuals of any gender can experience menstrual health issues. Our services are designed with the understanding that men, women, non-binary, and transgender individuals may need support and care for conditions like PMDD and other menstrual-related challenges.

  • Safe and Welcoming Space: Our clinic is a space where you can be open about your health and identity without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and respected.

Personalized and Respectful Support

  • Tailored to Your Identity and Needs: We understand that your gender identity can play a significant role in how you experience and manage menstrual health issues. Our counselling and therapeutic support services are highly personalised, taking into account not just the physical aspects of menstrual health but also the emotional and psychological impact, ensuring that our approach aligns with your identity and personal journey.

  • Language Matters: Communication is key to effective care. We are mindful of the language we use, ensuring that it is gender-neutral and inclusive. Our goal is to make every interaction affirming of your identity, so you always feel understood and comfortable.

Empowerment Through Education

  • Knowledge for All: Our educational materials and sessions are designed to be inclusive, offering information that is relevant and accessible to everyone, regardless of gender. We believe in empowering you with knowledge, equipping you with the tools and information you need to navigate menstrual health with confidence.

A Community of Support

  • Building Connections: At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, you're not just receiving care; you're joining a community. We offer support groups and forums where you can connect with others who share similar experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support in a gender-affirming space.


  • All sessions are held online, via encrypted telehealth.

  • Our practitioners work varying hours, Monday to Saturday

  • The sessions run for 50 minutes and are either $155 standard or $115 concession.

  • Email

  • We endeavour to be a flexible practice, providing opportunity for reschedules and cancellations with up to 24 hours notice. Any appointment rescheduled or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, will be charged the full amount. We are a small practice and our sole income is derived from our sessions.

Our abortion therapists

  • Sarah Newbold (she/her)

    Counsellor, Social Worker & Clinical Supervisor

We work on land never ceded.

We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation,
the Traditional Owners and custodians of the Land on which our practice is based,
and pay respect to Elders past, present and future.